Writing Christmas Cards | BLOGMAS Day 11

by - 08:00

One of my favourite memories from my childhood is helping my Mum write her Christmas cards. She would have the longest list of friends, family, colleagues and neighbours, and we’d sit in the front room by the fire, where I’d tick each name off the list as she wrote them. Once we had a pile of completed cards, we’d set off to hand deliver them, sometimes roping my Dad in to reluctantly drive us around town. I’d stare out of the window at everyone’s Christmas lights, comparing each house to the last one we saw. And it was magical.

This year, digging out the Christmas decorations, I found a bunch of cards from last year that I forgot to send.

So I’m putting a bit more magic back into Christmas card writing, and actually taking the time to sit and write out seasonal wishes to my nearest and dearest.

My good friend Carina is a whizz at designing Christmas cards - how gorgeous are these designs from her little shop, Fawn Creative?! If you’re local to Derby, Carina has a concession in Design at 44 (located in Intu and Sadlergate), but for those further afield, you should have a nosey at her Etsy store.

I can’t tell you how good it felt to pop the festive playlist on Spotify, sit with a glass of mulled wine, and write out my Christmas cards like the good old days.

Will you be sending Christmas cards this year?

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