Festive Favourites: Parmesan Sprouts | BLOGMAS Day 8

by - 18:10

Brussel Sprouts always get such a bad reputation. Every Christmas, my Mum would try her best to get us to eat them by hiding them amongst other veg, but NOPE, there was no chance I’d be eating them, so they’d get pushed aside, ready for the dogs to devour.

As I’ve got older, wiser, and more experimental with cooking, I’ve realised that these little green goodies are actually delicious when cooked in the right way. Don’t get me wrong, I still won’t thank you for a plain, boiled sprout, but mixed with chilli, lemon & parmesan? We’re onto a Christmas winner…

Once again, don’t forget to save your leftovers for bubble and squeak!

To serve 6 people as a side, (with some leftovers), you’ll need:

1kg brussel sprouts
3 rashers of Bacon
Olive Oil
Dried chilli flakes
Juice from half a lemon
Freshly grated parmesan (around 4 or 5 tbsp)
Salt + Pepper to season


Before you start – Preheat the oven to 180, Gas 6.

1. Trim and halve the brussel sprouts, giving them a little wash over the sink before adding to boiling water for 5 minutes.

2. Whilst your sprouts are bubbling away, chop your bacon into small pieces and begin to gently fry in a little olive oil.

3. In a small bowl, mix the lemon juice with 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of chilli flakes.

4. When the brussels have boiled, take them off the heat and drain, before scattering onto a baking tray.

5. Pour the olive oil and lemon mixture over the brussels and coat them in it. Add your chopped up pieces of bacon and a sprinkle of salt and pepper too.

6. Place in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes until the edges of the sprouts start to caramelise.

7. Take them out of the oven, sprinkle over a generous amount of parmesan, and pop back in the oven for 5 more minutes.

8. Your sprouts are done! Take them out of the oven and place them into a sharing bowl, making sure you give them a good mix around, before serving.

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