
Editors Letter | January 2020

by - 07:00

Just like that, it's a brand new year. It's hard not to see the turn of a new year as a fresh start; the beginning of a new chapter and the opportunity to make plans for the year ahead.

I looked through my Facebook memories on New Years Eve, and couldn't help but laugh at what I posted in 2009. My 17-year-old self expressed horror at the thought of being 'almost 30' when the new decade came around. It's funny, because the closer I get to 30, the more content I feel with life. People think their 20's are the best years of their life, but for me they've been riddled with self-doubt and uncertainty of who I want to be as a person. I think we often spend too much time deciding who we want to be, that we don't let ourselves just... be.

I'm a sucker for making resolutions and breaking them - as I type this, I've broken my 2-day stint of eating salad with a strong coffee and a Double Decker bar - so instead I just want to do more of the things I really enjoyed last year: getting lost on long Sunday dog walks, visiting new cities or countries, spending time with people that make me belly-laugh.

One thing I do miss, is being creative, and I want to try and unleash creativity in me again. After all, it was creativity that drove me to start this blog, and to buy my first DSLR camera, and to sit for hours upon hours drawing anything that inspired me. I'd like a new camera and I'd like to learn some new skills to go alongside that, whether it means taking a class or watching tutorials. Hopefully this won't be such a hard resolution to keep, so stay tuned either here or on my Instagram page...

Happy New Year - I hope 2020 is good to you.

Olivia x

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